1-on-1 Call Booking Instructions.
Please read carefully what the next steps are before we have our call:
1. Go to my Calendly and select the time and date for our call.
- Click here to go to my Calendly page: https://calendly.com/ivansosadotcom/60min
- You will be shown all my available dates. Select the one that suits you best.
- If you bought more than one hour of consultation, just select the time you want the call to start and I will lock my schedule for as long as we need starting at the time of your choosing.
2. Send as much information as you can before our call
- To maximize our time together, I want to know as much as I can about you and your website/app/etc and what questions/problems you may have.
- Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/ELLzqriBnsdTsFPo9
That's it! We are ready to go.
I'm really looking forward to meet you and start working together so we can build and grow your online business.
See you soon!